Dr. Mona Morstein Dr. Mona Morstein


What is quercitin? It was mentioned in that previous article on Histamine Intolerance as one of Dr. Morstein's most commonly used products for treatment. 

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Dr. Mona Morstein Dr. Mona Morstein


Constipation is the term used to describe infrequent bowel movements or difficulty in passing them. There are numerous reasons a person may struggle with this.

Although the Merck Manual, a basic medical text used as a guiding book in conventional medicine, says that it can be completely normal for an individual to have only 2-3 BMs a week, I doubt that person would agree.

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Mineral subtrates and what to avoid!
Supplements, Magnesium, Minerals, Trace Minerals Dr. Mona Morstein Supplements, Magnesium, Minerals, Trace Minerals Dr. Mona Morstein

Mineral subtrates and what to avoid!

What a mineral is bound to can definitely affect its absorption from your intestine and thus the efficacy of taking it. Dr. Morstein wants to teach patients how to look at minerals and thus be able to better analyze supplements they may buy.

There are three main type of mineral substrates (what it's bound to): a chelated substrate, a bound complex substrate and a salt substrate.

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Effectively Treating Long-haul COVID
COVID, Acute Illness Dr. Mona Morstein COVID, Acute Illness Dr. Mona Morstein

Effectively Treating Long-haul COVID

During the COVID pandemic we learned that the Sars-CoV-2 (Covid) virus targeted ACE-2 receptors in the body. However, the story continues to unfold.

The Covid virus spike protein also has been shown to attach to nicotine receptors. Once it lands on the receptor, it gives it a boost and then inhibits it, just sitting on the receptor and not allowing it to work at all.

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Histamine Intolerance

Histamine Intolerance

Have you heard of Histamine Intolerance and/or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Disorder (MCAS)? These are two very related conditions that can account for a lot of intestinal and systemic symptomatology.

Histamine is a substance released from mast cells, basophils, platelets and certain neurons (mostly in the hypothalamus in our brains), and enterochromaffin cells in skin and intestine. It is released when a cell is triggered by something it reacts to. For example, being allergic to orange tree blossoming causes you to sneeze and have a runny nose--that is your cells releasing histamine when the pollen activated it.

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The Glucagon-Like Peptide-1/GIP Drugs
Diabetes, Weight Loss, Glucose Dr. Mona Morstein Diabetes, Weight Loss, Glucose Dr. Mona Morstein

The Glucagon-Like Peptide-1/GIP Drugs

Dr. Morstein is sure that everyone has heard of these highly advertised medications. It's time to talk about them and bring some clarity to what they are and how to use them.

First off, these are NOT new drugs. GLP-1 injections have been around since 2005, nearly 20 years. The fact that you've just heard about them is one thing; Dr. Morstein has been safely and effectively using them with patients since they first came out.

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Treating the Thyroid
Thyriod, Auto-Immune, Hoshimotos Dr. Mona Morstein Thyriod, Auto-Immune, Hoshimotos Dr. Mona Morstein

Treating the Thyroid

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that sits right on top your collarbones and in front of your trachea (your breathing tube). It consists of a right and left upper and lower lobe, connected via a thin isthmus.

When palpated by a physician, it can cause a little gagging since there is mild compression of your breathing tube, but the exam is done quickly.

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Elevated Glucose and Insulin Resistance
Diabetes, Glucose, Insulin Dr. Mona Morstein Diabetes, Glucose, Insulin Dr. Mona Morstein

Elevated Glucose and Insulin Resistance

Are you noticing more stubborn belly fat? Experiencing wild sugar cravings? Constant fatigue and sudden crashes in energy? It could be because of a blood sugar imbalance!

Our dietary choices and lifestyle practices play a huge role in either maintaining balance or spiking blood sugar levels. The number of people with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes is also rising rapidly in North America and it’s something I see in my practice more often than I’d like!

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Top 10 Signs of Hormone Imbalance
Hormones Dr. Mona Morstein Hormones Dr. Mona Morstein

Top 10 Signs of Hormone Imbalance

Hormones affect every aspect of your wellbeing, from your appetite to your zest for life. Despite their large impact on overall health, hormonal imbalances can be frustratingly difficult to recognize. That’s partly because our hormones must maintain a delicate balance and even a slight shift can have negative repercussions.

Key Players in Hormone Balance…

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Thyroid Antibodies
Thyroid, Auto-Immune, Diet, Nutrition Dr. Mona Morstein Thyroid, Auto-Immune, Diet, Nutrition Dr. Mona Morstein

Thyroid Antibodies

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped organ sitting around the trachea right over the collarbones. When healthy, it should not be able to be palpated on physical exam.

Unfortunately, the thyroid can struggle to stay healthy at times. It can grow nodules (97% which are benign), can develop cancer, and can either under produce thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) or over produce thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism).

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Psoriasis: Atopic Skin Condition
Skin, Psoriasis Dr. Mona Morstein Skin, Psoriasis Dr. Mona Morstein

Psoriasis: Atopic Skin Condition

Psoriasis is an auto-immune, inflammatory, chronic, multifactorial skin condition. Approximately 2.2% of the US population has it; it is slightly more common in women. It is less common in the Tropics and in African-Americans. It can definitely occur in children.

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